Cosmetic recontouring with composite resin in case of maxillary lateral incisor agenesis

Cosmetic recontouring with composite resin in case of maxillary lateral incisor agenesis

Vol. 13 – Number 50 – 2022 PLS CADERN Sakamoto Column Page 123-133 Cosmetic recontouring with composite resin in case of maxillary lateral incisor agenesis Letícia Fontanella Fernandes¹ Antonio Setsuo Sakamoto Junior² Abstract The treatment for agenesis of maxillary lateral incisor (AMLI) is always a challenge for the general dentists, as there are many alternatives to restore the patient’s esthetics and function, requiring the integration of several dental specialties. The purpose of this study is to describe the esthetic treatment of a pa tient affected, bilaterally, by AMLI through cosmetic recontouring in composite resin. A 36-year-old male patient came to the office reporting dissatisfaction with the esthetics of his smile after completing the orthodontic treatment – in which it was decided to do a mesialization of the upper canines and to close the space. The recontouring of the elements 14, 13, 11, 21, 23 and 24 with restorative material and crown lengthening of the maxillary premolars was proposed. Periodontal surgery was not performed due to the cost and healing time. We proceeded with the recontouring of teeth 14 to 24 with nanoparticulate composite resin in colors A1B and A1E (Filtek Z350XT, 3M ESPE) and subsequent finishing and polishing. It was concluded that, orthodontic space closure and cosmetic recontouring represent an excellent alternative for the treatment of some cases of AMLI. Descriptors: Composite resins, anodontia, esthetics, dental. ¹ Undergraduate student in Dentistry – UFPR, PIBIC Fellow – UFPR. ² Specialist in Dentistry – CETAO, M. and Dr. in Dentistry – UEPG, Professor of the Specialization course in Dentistry -ILAPEO. DOI: 10.24077/2022;1350S81121

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