Full-arch rehabilitation through virtual planning and guided surgery – case report

Full-arch rehabilitation through virtual planning and guided surgery – case report

Vol. 13 – Number 52 – 2022 IMPLANT DENTISTRY NOTEBOOK Case report Page 36-43 Full-arch rehabilitation through virtual planning and guided surgery – case report Luíza Borghetti¹ Ulysses Lenz¹ Flávia Tumelero¹ Gabriel Rodrigues Oliveira¹ Atais Bacchi¹ Vinícius Fabris¹ ABSTRACT The oral rehabilitation of totally edentulous patients has been evolving with the advancement of surgical techniques in Implantology. The performance of procedures of installing osseointegrated implants with the aid of cone beam computed tomography, brings the possibility of converting images through specialized software, allowing the creation of prototypes and surgical guides previously planned virtually. Associated with it, surgical procedures become predictable and with lesser trauma, increasing trans and postoperative comfort for the patient. Objective: To describe a clinical case of total rehabilitation in an edentulous maxilla, through guided surgery and delayed loading. Case report: The patient in question was criteriously examinated and all treatment possibilities described. A Mandibular full arch All-on-4 fixed dental prosthesis and a maxillary muco-supported total denture were delivered in a first treatment stage, followed by virtual tomographic planning by Dental Wings software for guided maxillary implantation surgery and subsequent installation of a maxillary full arch fixed dental prosthesis. Conclusion: The treatment plan, mostly because of the flapless surgery, provided and adequate operative time with reduced trauma, and mainly an excellent previsibillity to the tridimensional position of the implants, favoring a fixed dental prosthesis with good load distribution. Descriptors: Computer-assisted surgery, dental prosthesis design, implant-supported dental prosthesis. ¹ Implantology – Elosul – Education and Health Services – Passo Fundo/RS. DOI: 10.24077/2022;13522481285

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