Orthopedic treatment proposal of patient Class III with hyrax modified and facial mask – case report

Orthopedic treatment proposal of patient Class III with hyrax modified and facial mask – case report

Vol. 16 – Number 61 – 2023 Case report Page 34-43 Orthopedic treatment proposal of patient Class III with hyrax modified and facial mask – case report Ítala Albertina dos Santos Caetano1 Darcyo Danillo dos Santos Caitano1 Lívia Emanoelle do Nascimento Aquino1 Samara Simões Padilha2 Raphaela Farias Rodrigues3 Hibernon Lopes Filho4 Abstract Objective: To demonstrate the construction of a mini-implant-supported hybrid hyrax for the treatment of class III. Case report: Patient DB S, male, 07 years old, with upper anterior bite and right unilateral posterior crossbite, light crowding of the lower incisors, early loss due to caries of the teeth 54 and 64 and maxillary atresia, contributing to the decrease in the perimeter of the arch. Discussion: In patients who have maxillary deficiency, treatment should include maxillary stimulation and direction through orthopedic forces. Therapy with Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME) in association with Facial Mask (MF) is the most common treatment for class III malocclusion and is used for the treatment of retruded maxilla and also to accelerate maxillary growth. The use of skeletal anchorage as a form of early class III treatment results in fundamentally greater orthopedic effects compared to conventional treatment, thus allowing for no tooth displacement caused by the force exerted during maxillary protraction and avoiding loss of space in the perimeter of the bow. Conclusion: skeletal anchorage has been expanding the frontiers of orthodontic and orthopedic treatments, thereby increasing the time to start therapy without adverse dental effects, with the modification of a conventional hyrax to a hybrid being a more cost-effective and biological option. Descriptors: Malocclusion, Angle Class III malocclusion, orthotic devices, orthodontic anchorage procedures. 1 Dentistry – Tiradentes University Center. 2 Graduate student in Orthodontics – Centro Universitário Cesmac. 3 Adjunct Professor – UFAL. 4 Ph.D. Professor in Orthodontics – Tiradentes University Center. DOI: 10.24077/2023;1661-01989128

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