Fiberglass post in central incisor – case report

Fiberglass post in central incisor – case report

Vol. 13 – Number 52 – 2022 NOTEBOOK OF CLINICAL DENTISTRY Case report Page 94-103 Fiberglass post in central incisor – case report Lara Pepita de Souza Oliveira¹ Hendri Kerole Silva de Oliveira² Jonas Alves Oliveira³ ABSTRACT Restoring dental elements with extensive coronary destruction and endodontically treated is a clinical challenge. To mitigate the risks of root fractures and failures in restorations, in these cases, the cementation of an intraradicular retainer is indicated, with the fiberglass post being a retainer with good mechanical and aesthetic properties, very indicated especially for aesthetic cases in anterior teeth. However, it is necessary to correctly follow the clinical steps during the cementation of this component, since the point of weakness of these posts lies in the protocol failures during this process, which can cause the treatment to fail in a short time. This article aims to present a clinical case of fiberglass post cementation in a central upper right incisor with dual resin cement, later restored in composite resin, carefully presenting each clinical step performed, with the aesthetic-functional result obtained. Descriptors: Post and core technique, dental cements, dental esthetics. ¹ Graduated in Dentistry – UEA, Master in Dentistry (Oral Rehabilitation) – UFAM. Doctoral Student Dental Clinic (Dentist) – FOP/UNICAMP. ² Graduated in Dentistry – UEA. ³ Dr. in Dental Clinic (Dental Prosthesis) – FOP/UNICAMP, Me. in Dentistry (Oral Rehabilitation) – FOB/USP, Prof. Adjunct of Dentistry – UEA. DOI: 10.24077/2022;13522639128

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