PRF membrane used in upper lip lifting surgery – case report

PRF membrane used in upper lip lifting surgery – case report

Vol. 3 – Number 12 – 2022 Case report Page 42-51 PRF membrane used in upper lip lifting surgery – case report Morgana Martins Setubal¹ Pedro Ivo Polak Junior² Sidmarcio Ziroldo³ ABSTRACT The recent rise in popularity of soft tissue fillers and other minimally invasive facial cosmetic procedures has resulted in interest in lip rejuvenation. Aging brings profound changes to the face, involving extrinsic and intrinsic factors. The lip lifting is a functional aesthetic surgery to reposition the upper lip. In this study, we have made a differentiation when performing this surgical procedure, using PRF membrane to optimize coagulation and to accelerate the healing process. The result was a shorter lip with eversion of the mouth vermilion, providing a prettier smile due to greater exposure of the incisors and reduction of the horizontal rectification of the upper lip. There were no complications during and after surgery, nor the appearance of hematomas and asymmetries. The scarring sequel was minimal, and after removal of the stitches in a few days, the scar that was at the base of the nose became imperceptible. The patient reported a high degree of satisfaction with the procedure performed. Descriptors: Aging, lip lifting, PRF, rejuvenation. ¹ Specialist in Orofacial Harmonization and Orthodontics. ² Specialist in Implant Dentistry and Orofacial Harmonization. ³ MSc in Orthodontics, Specialist in CTBMF, Orthodontics and Orofacial Harmonization. DOI: 10.24077/2022;31203134

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