Chemical submenton lipolysis and facial slimming with the use of deoxycholic acid or sodium deoxycolate – case report

Chemical submenton lipolysis and facial slimming with the use of deoxycholic acid or sodium deoxycolate – case report

Vol. 3 – Number 12 – 2022 Case report Page 8-19 Chemical submenton lipolysis and facial slimming with the use of deoxycholic acid or sodium deoxycolate – case report Suzana Ferreira Queiroz¹ Pedro Carvalho Feitosa² Daniela Borges de Biasi³ Thalita Salaar⁴ ABSTRACT With the search for beauty standards and the increasingly constant need to improve physical appearance, people are looking for orofacial harmonization procedures. There are several minimally invasive techniques and procedures that seek to restore the aesthetic-functional balance of the face and among these procedures is facial lipolysis, which consists of a set of techniques and procedures performed in the office, with no cutting, non-surgical, with progressive results, applied locally with injectable substances capable of reducing the fat pads found in the lower third of the face, reducing double chin, submental fat and improving face contour. In the submental fat lipolysis technique, we use deoxycholic acid or sodium deoxycholate, a cytolytic drug that when injected into the subcutaneous adipose tissue, physically destroys the adipocyte cell membrane. Both were painlessly injected with the aid of a cannula, directly into the subcutaneous tissue, performing the lysis of adipocytes with minimal inflammatory reaction. The objective of the present work is to show, through a clinical case carried out in a female patient, 40-years-old, the reduction of the adipose tissue in the submental area, jowl region and nasolabial sulcus through the use of sodium deoxycholate, which is the agent lipolytic. As a result, it is expected that deoxycholic acid or sodium deoxycholate, and the mixture containing sodium deoxycholate will prove to be effective and that facial lipolysis is considered an efficient and safe technique for reducing submental adipose tissue in the jowl region and nasolabial sulcus, thus being a viable option with few complications and low morbidity. Descriptors: Lipolysis, sodium deoxycholate, deoxycholic acid, subcutaneous tissue. 1 Esp. in orthodontics, Esp in Cosmetic Dentistry, Esp. in orofacial harmonization. 2 Esp., Mother and Dr. in Implantology, Esp. in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology, Esp. in Orofacial Harmonization. 3 Esp. and Me in Orofacial Harmonization, Esp. in prosthesis. 4 Spec. in Orthodontics, Esp. in Orofacial Harmonization. DOI: 10.24077/2022;31203137

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