Facial lifting with polydioxanone threads (PDO) – case report

Facial lifting with polydioxanone threads (PDO) – case report

Vol. 4 – Number 15 – 2023 Case report Page 52-57 Facial lifting with polydioxanone threads (PDO) – case report Renata Bandeira Lages1 Larissa de Brito Carvalho Lira2 Yves Viana Ramalho Oliveira3 Werika Lourena de Sousa Ribeiro4 ABSTRACT Facial aging is continuous and multifactorial. Over time, physiological changes can affect an individual’s self-esteem. This causes a growing demand for aesthetic treatments, especially the less invasive ones, with low complication rates, fast recovery and that meet your needs. Facelift with spiculated polydioxanone (PDO) threads is an example of a safe and effective treatment for facial rejuvenation, in addition to having a low incidence of adverse effects. The purpose of this article is to present a clinical case report, in which we use spiculated PDO threads, in order to highlight its relevance in the rejuvenation process, through facelift. The application of spiculated PDO threads with individualized holes was performed in the lower region of the middle third of the face. Photographic records were performed 15 days and 30 days after the procedure, confirming the effectiveness of the technique. The choice of insertion technique has different effects in the first few days, but spiculated PDO wires have proved to be a sublime alternative to more invasive procedures. Descriptors: Polydioxanone, esthetics, rejuvenation, dermo sustaining threads. 1 Doctor. in Orthodontics – SL Mandic, Coordinator and Professor of the Specialization in HOF – ABCD-PI. 2 Specialist in Orthodontics – Instituto Lato Sensu – Teresina/PI, Specialist in Orofacial Harmonization – ABCD/PI. 3 Specialist in Orofacial Harmonization – ABCD/PI. 4 Undergraduate student – ​​UNINASSAU Redenção. DOI: 10.24077/2023;4150312422

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