Lifting the middle thirds of the face with PDO wires – case report

Lifting the middle thirds of the face with PDO wires – case report

Vol. 3 – Number 10 – 2022 Case report Page 30-37 Lifting the middle thirds of the face with PDO wires – case report Leila Roberta Rodrigues¹ Alexandre Miyahira² Pedro Carvalho Feitosa³ ABSTRACT The concept of aging has changed every year. There is an incessant search to reach standards that society says are beautiful and harmonious. The current market for aesthetic procedures is reformulated, updated in order to present alternatives that are as less invasive and radical as possible and yet that can bring the patient the desired result in a natural way, such as botulinum toxin, various peelings, wires, hyaluronic acid, among others that they see appearing day by day. The present work presents spiculated PDO (polydioxanone) threads as a procedure to promote facelift and modify skin texture. We present here a clinical case of a middle-aged patient whose main complaint is the deepening of the nasolabial fold. Descritores: Support threads, facelift, polydioxanone threads. ¹ Specialist in Orofacial Harmony, Specialist in Orthodontics, Specialist in Implant Dentistry. ² Master’s degree student in Implant Dentistry at UNISA, Specialist in Orofacial Harmony, Specialist in Implant Dentistry. ³ Master and Specialist in Implant Dentistry, Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology. DOI: 10.24077/2022;3103108

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