Inter-relation between Restorative Dentistry and Periodontics – case report

Inter-relation between Restorative Dentistry and Periodontics – case report

Vol. 13 – Number 49 – 2021 IMPLANT DENTISTRY NOTEBOOK Case report Page 54-59 Inter-relation between Restorative Dentistry and Periodontics – case report Larissa Vargas Vieira1 Beatriz Sobrinho Sangalette1 Leandro Rahal Mastrener2 Sandra Rahal Mastrener3 Fabiane Lopes Toledo4 Fernanda Furtado Piras5 Abstract Excellence in esthetics has been the aspiration of most patients. However, to reach their expectations, it is necessary that the dentist has multidisciplinary knowledge. The objective of this paper is to report a clinical case of an anterosuperior aesthetic rehabilitation involving Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry. A 22-year-old male patient reported as main complaint gingival smile and multiple diastema. Previous periodontal surgical treatment was planned to increase the clinical crown, and then anatomy corrections on anterior elements, both idealized from digital flow. With the 3D model, a mock-up was performed, which assisted both in periodontal surgery and previous visualization of the esthetics for closing the diastemas. It was concluded that the proposed treatment corresponded to the patient’s expectations according to esthetic improvement, both dental and periodontal. Descriptors: Plastic surgery, diastema, Periodontics. 1 Dentistry – UNIMAR. 2 Department of Dental Materials and Periodontics – UNESP Araçatuba. 3 Retired Professor Esp. in Restorative Dentistry – UNESP Araçatuba. 4 Department of Restorative Dentistry – UNIMAR. 5 Department of Periodontics – UNIMAR. DOI: 10.24077/2021;1349-5459

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