Influence of bovine dental deproteination in the adhesive strength of composite resin

Influence of bovine dental deproteination in the adhesive strength of composite resin

Vol. 11 – Number 42 – 2020 CLINICAL DENTISTRY NOTEBOOK Original article Page 116-121 Influence of bovine dental deproteination in the adhesive strength of composite resin Heitor César Ribeiro de Almeida Júnior1 Camila Silva de Amorim2 Lucianne Cople Maia3 Alex Correia Vieira4 Matheus Melo Pithon5 ABSTRACT The study (in vitro) assessed through mechanical shear bond tests the strength of a nanoparticulate composite resin, after deproteinization of enamel and dentin using papain and its association with chlorhexidine. Shear bond tests of resin cylinders adapted in enamel and dentin of 60 bovine incisors were performed. The samples were divided into 6 groups: G1 (Control) – enamel surface conditioning with 37% phosphoric acid; G2 – enamel surface deproteinization with papain 8% and phosphoric acid conditioning at 37%; G3 – enamel surface deproteinization with papain 8% associated to 2% chlorhexidine and conditioning with phosphoric acid 37%; G4 – enamel surface conditioning with 37% phosphoric acid; G5 – enamel surface deproteinization with papain 8%, and phosphoric acid conditioning at 37%; and G6 – enamel surface deproteinization with papain 8% associated with 2% chlorhexidine and phosphoric acid conditioning at 37%. No statistically significant differences were observed between the control group (G1 and G4) and the groups submitted to different surface treatments (G2, G3, G5, and G6), however the adhesion strength was higher in all groups of enamel (G1, G2, and G3) compared to the groups subjected to the same treatment of dentin (G4, G5, and G6). It was concluded that the bond strength of the tested resin in both, the enamel and the dentin, was not increased by deproteinization of bovine dental tissues using papain as well as papain associated with chlorhexidine. Descriptors: Dentin-Bonding Agents , Papain, Chlorhexidine. 1 Graduation in Dentistry – UESB, CD. 2 Sp. in Pediatric Dentistry – UERJ, Me. in Pediatric Dentistry – UFRJ. 3 Dr. in Dentistry – Social Dentistry – UFF, Professor of Pediatric Dentistry – UFRJ. 4 Dr. in Dentistry – Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, Associate Prof. – UEFS. 5 Dr. in Orthodontics – UFRJ, Full Professor of the Postgraduate Program – UFRJ, Full Professor of Orthodontics – UESB.

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