Harmonizing face and smile

Harmonizing face and smile

Vol. 2 – Number 8 – 2021 Case report Page 22-27 Harmonizing face and smile Weider de Oliveira Silva1 Paula Stéffani de Aguiar Duarte2 Ana Paula Bragança2 Tarcisio Pinto3 Gil Montenegro4 ABSTRACT Dentistry has always been guided by the pursuit of health and function, however, with the evolution and changes in society’s concerns, there was also an interest on the part of patients in aesthetic dental results, thus emerging a new segment in Dentistry – the Aesthetic Dentistry. Thus, in recent years, there has been a huge evolution in non-invasive techniques and materials in search of dental and facial aesthetic improvement, even converging to the emergence of new areas in Dentistry, with current emphasis on Orofacial Harmonization, which reconciles dental aesthetics, in balance with facial aesthetics. In this report, we will cite the main points and dental/facial measures to be observed, as well as present the case of a patient who complained of esthetics, who was then firstly submitted to appropriate dental treatments and then receiving facial harmonizing treatment. Thus, after correct diagnosis and multidisciplinary planning, we then demonstrate with the results that it is possible to meet the patients’ aesthetic wishes and with minimally invasive procedures of Facial Harmonization, restore facial proportions, together with self-esteem and youthfulness. Descriptors: Cosmetic dentistry, orofacial harmonization. 1 Master in Implant Dentistry, Specialist in Orofacial Harmonization, Specialist in Implant Dentistry, Specialist in Dentistry, Specialist in Prosthodontics. 2 Specialty in Dentistry, Specialty in Prosthodontics. 3 MSc in Prosthodontics, Specialty in Dentistry. 4 Dr. in Medical Sciences, M.D. in Dentistry, Specialty in Prosthodontics. DOI: 10.24077/2021282227

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