Practical guide to in-house aligner fabrication – Part 1: Introduction to the system

Practical guide to in-house aligner fabrication – Part 1: Introduction to the system

Vol. 16 – Number 61 – 2023 Aligners Page 91-108 Practical guide to in-house aligner fabrication – Part 1: Introduction to the system Bernardo Quiroga Souki1 Gabriel Maia Azevedo2 Raiane Machado Maia2 Lílian Dayse Fróes Tavares3 Carlo Bosoni4 Abstract Clear aligner treatment has gained interest among orthodontists since its introduction in the market two decades ago. The high patients’ demand for more aesthetic approaches, with greater comfort, is the primary aspect driving this direction change in the treatment of the malocclusions. However, this drift impacted the management of clinical practices because orthodontists lost absolute control over the flow of assembly and manufacture of conventional appliances. Third-party companies hired for the industrial manufacture of aligners was the concept initially proposed by Align Technology, manufacturer of Invisalign, a pioneer in the commercial system and market leader. Nevertheless, due to the inherent costs of this service and the time limitations imposed by outsourcing, the orthodontists created a digital flow for in-house manufacturing of aligners. This series of three articles brings practical considerations for using in-office aligners. Additionally, the goal is to share experiences related to the manufacture and management of the technique. Descriptors: Orthodontics, clear aligner appliance, practice management, dental. 1 Adjunct Professor of Orthodontics, Graduate Program in Dentistry – PUC Minas. 2 Student of the post-graduate program (Doctorate – Dental Clinics concentration area) in Dentistry – PUC Minas. 3 Dentistry undergraduate student – PUC Minas. 4 PhD student in Medical Biotechnology and Researcher – Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy). DOI: 10.24077/2023;1661-98246715

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