Practical guide to inhouse aligner fabrication – Part 2: Planning and Staging

Practical guide to inhouse aligner fabrication – Part 2: Planning and Staging

Vol. 16 – Number 62 – 2023 Aligners Page 119-130 Practical guide to inhouse aligner fabrication – Part 2: Planning and Staging Bernardo Quiroga Souki¹ Gabriel Maia Azevedo² Raiane Machado Maia² Lílian Dayse Fróes Tavares³ Carlo Bosoni4 Abstract Orthodontic movements with in-house aligners entail specific details and nuances that distinguish them from traditional multi-bracket orthodontic techniques. The orthodontist must acknowledge these details to ensure greater predictability, efficacy, and efficiency in achieving desired outcomes. This second part of the in-house aligners manufacturing tutorial presents insights on tooth-specific movement requirements, anchorage control, movement hierarchy, unique aspects of plastic mechanics, and attachment types. Descriptors: Orthodontics, removable orthodontic appliances, dental practice management. ¹ Adjunct Professor of Orthodontics at the Graduate Program in Dentistry – PUC Minas. ² Student of the post-graduate program (doctorate – concentration area Dental Clinics) in Dentistry – PUC Minas. ³ Dentistry undergraduate student – ​​PUC Minas. 4 PhD student in Medical Biotechnology and Researcher – Università degli Studi di Firenze – Italy. DOI: 10.24077/2023;1662-91458a01

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