Comparative study between ANB and WITS values for orthodontic diagnosis

Comparative study between ANB and WITS values for orthodontic diagnosis

Vol. 14 – Number 56 – 2021 Original article Page 91-95 Comparative study between ANB and WITS values for orthodontic diagnosis Isadora Koslowski Arenhardt¹ Ricardo Sartori¹ Abstract Justification and Objectives: Based on current literature, there are divergences regarding ANB and WITS skeletal assessment, justifying the importance of comparative assessment of these methods, verifying in practice whether there is clinical relevance, which support the use of techniques association or advantages with the use of one of the techniques, avoiding misreadings and contributing to the correct diagnosis by the professional, in order to obtain an effective treatment plan for the patient, favoring correct alignment and skeletal development. Methods: Data were obtained from Sartori Clinic profile radiographs of patient’s assessment, a total of 201 patients out of 420 at random, assessing both with different techniques and comparing the results. Results: Assessment analyzed 115 women (57.3%) and 86 men (42.7%), aged 7 to 64 years, of these 109 of the cases (54.3%) obtained the same result when comparing the ANB and WITS techniques, while 92 of the cases (45.7%) had divergence in results. The highest change rate occurred in patients classified as Class III (43.5%), followed by Class I (39.1%) and the lowest rate was of Class II patients (17.4%). Conclusion: There are divergences regarding the comparison of assessments, with need for an accurate assessment in order to obtain a correct diagnosis, enabling an appropriate treatment plan. Descriptors: Orthodontics, cephalometry, diagnosis. ¹ Dentistry – UNISC. DOI: 10.24077/2021;1456-9195

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