Orthodontics Column and Ideas – Aesthetic orthodontics and skeletal anchorage in orthognathic surgical cases

Orthodontics Column and Ideas – Aesthetic orthodontics and skeletal anchorage in orthognathic surgical cases

Vol. 15 – Number 59 – 2022 Orthodontics Column and Ideas Page 19-26 Aesthetic orthodontics and skeletal anchorage in orthognathic surgical cases Guaracy Fonseca¹ Ney Tavares¹ Carolina Neves Barros Maciel Freire² Evelyne Pedroza de Andrade² Gurgiane Gurgel³ Alípio Miguel4 Abstract Classe III malocclusion, as it generates a greater negative impact on the face of patients, arouses an increasing demand for aesthetic orthodontic treatments. The lingual appeared in the early 70’s and became a very viable alternative for performing aesthetic orthodontic treatments, associated or not with orthognathic surgeries. With the help of temporary skeletal anchorage devices, the treatment becomes more aesthetic and with undesired effects. The aim of this article is to report a clinical experience of ortho-surgical treatment using aesthetic orthodontics with lingual braces. The clinical case report is of a 29-year-old patient in treatment, Class III malocclusion, of the lichofacial treatment who started the appliance with an upper lingual and lower buccal appliance, combined with skeletal anchorage with a versatile palatal plate. In the mandible, mini implants were used in the retromolar region. After the orthodontic-operative preparation, the case was adjusted for better orthognathic surgery, finalizing the digital preparation for refinement, in addition to removable confections. It was concluded that it was possible to correct, skillfully and aesthetically in better torque, with absolute restriction of the patient’s requirements, through adequate surgery within the superior lingual torque, inferior buccal or superior lingual, orthognathic and final inferior buccal torque with few aligners. Descriptors: Orthognathic surgery, Class III malocclusion, tongue appliance, orthodontic anchorage. ¹ Master in Orthodontics – SL Mandic, Doctor in Orthodontics – SL Mandic, Professor and Coordinator of Specialization Courses in Orthodontics – FACSETE. ² Dental Surgeon – UNIT, Specialist in Orthodontics – FACSCETE. ³ Specialist in Orthodontics – FACSETE, Master and Doctoral Student in Dental Sciences – UFRN, Professor of the Specialization Course in Orthodontics – FACSETE. 4 Residency at CTBMF – SES/PE – Hospital da Restauração, Specialist and Master in CTBMF – FOP/UPE. DOI: 10.24077/2022;1559-2250649

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