HUGO NAGE TIPS – Opening your jewelry door

HUGO NAGE TIPS – Opening your jewelry door

Vol. 11 – Number 43 – 2020


Page 4
Opening your jewelry door

Carlos was a very competent professional, a caring son, a dedicated husband and a very loving father. A man with an easy smile, he would infect anyone who allowed himself to hear 1 minute of his velvety voice and full of optimistic words. Being at his side was very invigorating and motivating.

From a while, Carlos became a little bit low, discouraged, with a half yellow smile and sometimes he lacked the usual motivational words. He was no longer the same contagious and full of life person as before.

On a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon, sitting with his inseparable friend Paulo in a café, as they always did a few times a month to taste a tasty cappuccino and talk about life and their plans, Paulo turned to him and asked, “My friend, I have found you a little discouraged lately. What are you feeling?”

Carlos took a nice bite out of the cake, chewed it calmly allowing that taste to take over his feelings, took a long sip in the hot coffee, and after a few seconds, which seemed like an eternity for Paulo, like a big garbage truck, unloaded all his anguishes.

Problems at work, problems in marriage, financial problems, health problems, problems, problems. Only Problems, it seemed that everything, exactly everything, went wrong in his life.

After an instant of silence, Paulo drew from his wallet a 50 reals bill and asked Carlos, “Do you accept this bill?”

Carlos answered: “Of course I accept, it’s 50 reais, who wouldn’t accept, by the way, can we afford our coffee?”

Paul, with the note still in his hand, kneaded it so that it was all hidden in his hand. When he opened the note it was all crumpled, and then he asked again, “Do you still accept this note?

Carlos answered, “Of course I still accept, it’s the same 50 reals.

Paulo, still not satisfied, took a pen and made a small drawing and then threw it to the floor and stepped on the note and asked again, “Do you accept this note, Carlos?

Carlos, a little altered and impatient, was short and thick: “I already said that I accept, after all, where you want to go with all this theater, no matter how much you rub, trample, love, scratch this note, it will always have the same value of 50 reais, none of this has changed its value?

Paul replied very serenely, “That’s great, that’s all I wanted to hear from you. My friend, don’t let your problems dim your light, cool your life, and diminish your true worth. In spite of all your problems, you will always be the caring, loving, dedicated, motivating Carlos that we all like to be around”.

Carlos raised his head and as in the blink of an eye his posture changed, his voice changed and his words began to be the same as before, after all, the positive inner characteristics were always inside him all the time.

Here I want to leave this reflection to all of us. How many compliments we receive throughout the day, and all it takes is one criticism and we take it to the grave.

If at this moment you are sad and discouraged about something that happened to you, know that life is made by you, by your attitudes. As bad as the feelings generated by this criticism are, its quality is still inside you and there are many people out there who need you and a lot of you.

I don’t know you, but I’m sure you’ve ever felt competent, capable, strong, safe, loving and brave in your life. It’s all still inside of you and there’s only one thought away.

If you have come this far, stop everything, go in front of a mirror and looking at yourself in front of you repeat each of those qualities that are there inside you, ready to be used.

You are the rarest jewel in your jewelry.

Stay with God, a huge one in your heart and #lifetimes you follow

Hugo Nagem
www.facebook.com/hugonagem | www.instagram.com/hugonagem

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