Prosthetic diagnosis in patients previously implanted for total maxillary rehabilitation – case report

Prosthetic diagnosis in patients previously implanted for total maxillary rehabilitation – case report

Vol. 14 – Number 53 – 2022 IMPLANT DENTISTRY NOTEBOOK Case report Page 28-38 Prosthetic diagnosis in patients previously implanted for total maxillary rehabilitation – case report Evelyn Juri Rezende de Lacerda1 Emir Augusto Juri de Rezende2 Nathan Diniz Juri Rezende3 Lilian Juri Rezende de Lacerda3 Everton Cocati Andrade3 Gabriella Almeida de Vasconcellos4 ABSTRACT Total rehabilitations with maxillary implants are considered complex and challenging due to the anatomical characteristics of this structure, so there are several surgical approaches for this type of treatment. According to the level of resorption, bone availability, smile line, lip support, and etc., the appropriate type of prosthesis must be determined. These have several classifications, but in general they can be divided into dental (without artificial gingiva) or dentogingival, each one requires a different space and material. For this reason, it is important that the prosthetic planning precedes the surgery and that the diagnosis allows establishing which prosthesis is the most suitable for the case, defining the surgical planning. The objective of this article was to discuss the importance of prosthetic planning and suggest alternatives that simplify the diagnostic phase, taking advantage of the patient’s removable complete denture as a reference. The present report presented two patients with different situations and consequently proposals for individualized rehabilitations. Descriptors: Dental implants, oral rehabilitation, reverse planning, fixed prostheses on implants. 1 Specialist and Master in Implant Dentistry – SL Mandic.. 2 CD – UVRV. 3 Student of Dentistry – Unifagoc Ubá/MG. 4 Teacher – Unifagoc, Esp. in Dental Prosthesis – ABO, Master in Dental Clinic – UFJF. DOI: 10.24077/2022;145302475279

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