Performance of two resin composites in non-carious cervical injury restorations – a randomized clinical trial

Performance of two resin composites in non-carious cervical injury restorations – a randomized clinical trial

Vol. 13 – Number 52 – 2022 NOTEBOOK OF CLINICAL DENTISTRY Original article Page 122-128 Performance of two resin composites in non-carious cervical injury restorations – a randomized clinical trial João Kleber Bezerra Abrante1 Samuel Chillavert Dias Pascoal2 Maria Clara Ayres Estellita2 Karlos Eduardo Rodrigues Lima1 Marcelo Victor Sidou Lemos3 Talita Arrais Daniel Mendes4 ABSTRACT The present study aimed to evaluate the performance of FiltekTM Bulk Fill resin – 3M ESPE (FBF) versus Filtek Z350 XT – 3M (FZ) in restorations of non-carious cervical lesions (LCNC) through a clinical trial. This study is a randomized clinical trial, divided mouth and double blind, in which 40 patients were selected, totaling 80 teeth. The groups were divided as to the restorative treatment in FBF and FZ. The criteria for post-operative sensitivity (SPO), retention, staining, and marginal integrity (IM) were then evaluated for 1 and 6 months by a blind examiner, unconnected to the operator. Data were tabulated in the Microsoft Excel® 2013 program and were analyzed using the Bioestat 5.3 program, using the McNemar test for repeated measures, and Fisher’s exact test for the same period (p <0.05). In relation to IM, the FZ resin showed better results (p = 0.05). In the staining and retention criteria, there were no statistically significant differences (p = 1.00). In the evaluation of SPO, there was no statistical difference when comparing FZ in different periods (p = 0.63), as well as FBF (p = 0.37). Therefore, the FZ resin showed better results in the marginal integrity criterion, however, in the other criteria there was no statistically significant difference. Descriptors: Permanent dental restoration, clinical trial, synthetic resins. 1 Clínica Dental – Unicatólica Quixadá. 2 Clínica Odontológica – UFC. 3 Clínica dental – UNIFOR. 4 Clínica dental – UFC, Clínica dental – UNIFOR. DOI: 10.24077/2022;135102401204

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