Point of View Column – Miniplates in Orthodontics. When, how, why and for what?

Point of View Column – Miniplates in Orthodontics. When, how, why and for what?

Vol. 15 – Number 59 – 2022 Point of  View Column Page 14-18 Miniplates in Orthodontics. When, how, why and for what? Bruno Sena Ferreira1 Ertty Silva2 Patricia Kern Di Scala Andreis3 Giovani Ceron Hartmann4 Orlando Tanaka5 Introduction Facial and dental aesthetics can encourage adults to seek orthodontic treatment. Orthodontists are routinely asked about the impact of different treatments on the teeth and soft tissues of the face. Among the most challenging problems in Orthodontics, the difficulty in finding sufficient anchorage and resistance to planned tooth movements stand out. 1 Postgraduate student in Implantology, Dental Prostheses and Digital Dentistry, Modular Advanced Mechanics with miniplates – Brasilia-DF, Specialist in Orthodontics – PUCPR. 2 Master in Orthodontics – Universidade São Leopoldo Mandic-SP. Specialist in Orthodontics – PUC-RJ. 3 Postgraduate student, Doctorate in Dentistry-Orthodontics – PUCPR. 4 Postgraduate student, Doctorate in Dentistry-Orthodontics – PUCPR. 5 Full Professor – PPGO – PUCPR, Graduated by the Brazilian Board of Orthodontics and Facial Orthopedics, School of Medicine and Life Sciences. DOI: 10.24077/2022;1559-220620

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