Point of View column – Fixed canine to canine restraint for flossing. Like omega?

Point of View column – Fixed canine to canine restraint for flossing. Like omega?

Vol. 13 – Number 51 – 2020 Point of View column Page 20-22 Fixed canine to canine restraint for flossing. Like omega? Aristeu Corrêa de Bittencourt Neto1 Gil Guilherme Gasparello2 Giovani Ceron Hartmann3 João Antonio Fontana4 Orlando Tanaka5 Introduction Containment is part of orthodontic treatment planning because teeth after orthodontic treatment are subject to recurrence. Patients should be informed in advance of the possibility of post-treatment changes due to the unpredictable nature of the results achieved. The retention phase is crucial for the stability of treatment results and recommended throughout life, in some cases². The interproximal areas adjacent to the smooth and traditional canine-to-canine glued lingual arch favour stone formation and induce gingival inflammation and periodontal disease³. This happens because the containment passes through the interdental region and creates an area that is difficult to sanitize². Despite the advantages, one of the disadvantages is the difficulty in using the dental floss for sanitization with the use of long-term containment. Therefore, the objective of this Point of view is to describe the design of fixed canine-to-canine lingual containment to facilitate the use of dental floss and promote long-term gingival and periodontal health, not only for the oral side, but also for the lingual side, from canine to canine. 1 Private clinic, Specialist in Orthodontics – UEL, Master in Dentistry – UNINGÁ. 2 Master of Dentistry-Orthodontics – PUCPR. 3 PhD student in Dentistry-Orthodontics – PUCPR, MSc in Dentistry – UNIOESTE. 4 Graduating Student in Dentistry – PUCPR 5 Full Professor – PPGO – PUCPR – School of Life Sciences.

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