Information and Technology Column – Keratinized tissue increase around teeth and implants through free gingival graft

Information and Technology Column – Keratinized tissue increase around teeth and implants through free gingival graft

Vol. 13 – Number 52 – 2022 Information and Technology Column Page 8-17 Keratinized tissue increase around teeth and implants through free gingival graft Fábio Shiniti Mizutani1 Atila de Freitas2 Victor Hugo Taddeo Nastri3 Patrícia Fretes Wood4 ABSTRACT The aim of this article was to report a procedure to increase keratinized tissue around teeth and implants. The purpose of increasing the keratinized band on the teeth was to prevent the advancement of gingival recession, as well as to reduce sensitivity during brushing. The objective of gingival graft in the implant region was to promote a protective biological environment against mucositis. Soft tissue management was performed using the free gingival graft technique, which consists of preparing the receptor site through the creation of a partial thickness flap that guarantees nutrition and revascularization of the graft, which was removed from the palate following a format obtained through surgical template. Healing occurred within the good predictability that the technique presents, reaching the primary clinical objectives. It was concluded that free gingival graft procedure results in biological benefits of gaining keratinized tissue, preventing the evolution of gingival recessions in dentate areas, and the development of mucositis around implants. Descriptors: Periodontics, dental implants, gingival graft. 1 Master. and Dr. in Implantology – SLMandic, Prof. of the Master in Periodontics – SLMandic. 2 Spec. and Master’s Student in Periodontics – SLMandic, Prof. of Periodontics – SIMPLE Courses and Specializations. 3 Spec. in Implantology and Restorative Dentistry, Prof. of Dental Aesthetics and Dentistry – SLMandic, APCD Bragança Paulista and ACDC Campinas. 4 Spec. in Implantology – UNINGÁ, Me. in Research Methodology – Unibe, Doctoral Student in Biotechnology – UNESP Araçatuba. DOI: 10.24077/2022;13520912228

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