Assessment of debridement and mass loss after preparation of simulated root canals with reciprocating instruments

Assessment of debridement and mass loss after preparation of simulated root canals with reciprocating instruments

Vol. 11 – Number 42 – 2020 CLINICAL DENTISTRY NOTEBOOK Original article Page 128-133 Assessment of debridement and mass loss after preparation of simulated root canals with reciprocating instruments Augusto César Werlang Fazenda1 Eduardo Zanin2 Lauter Eston Pelepenko3 Volmir João Fornari4 José Roberto Vanni4 Mateus Silveira Martins Hartmann4 ABSTRACT Chemical-mechanical preparation (CMP) performed during endodontic procedure aims to remove tissue debris, reduce bacterial load, and shape dentin walls, enhancing the action of auxiliary chemical substances. The aim of this study was to analyze mass loss and debridement in simulated root canals after CMP using the WaveOne Gold Primary instrument (#25.07) in three different working lengths. For this, 45 simulated root canals were divided into 3 groups (n=15) and weighed individually in precision balance. After that, the working length (WL) and the instrumented canals were determined 1mm below, in ‘zero’ (at WL) and 1mm beyond. After instrumentation, the blocks were weighed again, and mass loss registered. The images of the blocks were analyzed by overlapping before/after and it was evaluated the internal/external debridement at the curvature at 3, 6, and 9mm of the WL. Results were analyzed using Anova and Tukey tests (p=0.05). There were no significant differences in weight before/after instrumentation between the different working lengths tested (p=0.622). Preparation in different WL did not cause differences in mass loss. The apical preparation limit of 1mm below the foramen presented lower total debridement when compared to ‘zero’ and +1. There were no internal/external deviations to the curvature in the original canal trajectory at 3mm level in none of the WL used. Reciprocating instrumentation with +1mm apical patency results in centered canals and uniform dilation in the apical portion. Descriptors: Dental apex, Endodontics, root canal preparation. 1 Sp. in Endodontics – CEOM/IMED, Endodontist. 2 Sp. in Endodontics – CEOM/IMED, Endodontist. 3 PhD in Dental Clinics – Endodontics – FOP. 4 Prof. Doctor – CEOM.

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