Congenitally absent maxillary lateral incisors

Congenitally absent maxillary lateral incisors

Vol. 1 – Number 1 – 2008 Literature review Pages 83-87 Congenitally absent maxillary lateral incisors Halim Nagem Filho* José Fernando Castanha Henriques** Marcelo Guerino Pereira Couto*** Haline Drumond Nagem**** Paulo Afonso S. Francisconi***** FILHO, HN; HENRIQUES, JFC; COUTO, MGP; NAGEM, HD; FRANCISCONI, PAS. Congenitally absent maxillary lateral incisors. 2008; 1(1); 83-87. agenesis of the maxillary lateral incisor is regarded as a quite frequent anomaly aff ecting the human dental arch. the fi ndings revealed that the absence of the lateral incisors may bring about an occlusal imbalance and therefore an important aspect to the clinical options is the investigation of the possible means to keep the dental stability, either isolated or combined. the clinical options comprise space closure by means of orthodontic therapy with mesialization of the canines, fi xed partial denture or resin-bonded partial dentures, or single osseointegrated implants. Keywords: Orthodontic, absent, latral incisors. * Full Prof. of Dental Materials at FOB-USP. ** Full Prof. of Orthodontics, FOB-USP. *** PhD in Dentistry option Dental Materials, FOB-USP. **** PhD in Dentistry, option Dental Materials, FOB-USP. ***** Full Prof. in Dental Materials at – FOB-USP.

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