Esthetic perception and discomfort of Brazilian patients undergoing treatment with metallic and ceramic vestibular brackets, lingual brackets and Invisaling® aligners

Esthetic perception and discomfort of Brazilian patients undergoing treatment with metallic and ceramic vestibular brackets, lingual brackets and Invisaling® aligners

Vol. 15 – Number 59 – 2022 NA VISÃO D’ELAS Page 110-119 Esthetic perception and discomfort of Brazilian patients undergoing treatment with metallic and ceramic vestibular brackets, lingual brackets and Invisaling® aligners Sílvia Augusta Braga Reis1 Ivan de Souza Silva2 Luiz Fernando Eto3 Átila Valadares Vasconcelos Júnior4 Leda Monguilhott5 Wendel Teixeira6 Fernanda Gabriela de Fátima Vieira7 Abstract Orthodontic treatment experiences continuous evolution in its appliances, especially due to esthetic and comfort reasons. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the satisfaction and discomfort reported by patients undergoing orthodontic treatment with metallic and ceramic vestibular brackets, lingual brackets and Invisalign® aligners. Material and methods: Application of a standardized questionnaire to 126 patients of both genders, undergoing orthodontic treatment in private orthodontic offices for at least 90 days, with no other orthodontic accessory. Patients were divided into 4 groups: group I (n=30) vestibular metallic brackets, group II (n=30) vestibular esthetic brackets, group III (n=32) Invisalign® aligners and group IV (n=34) lingual fixed brackets. Comparison between the appliances were made by the chi-square test, and when this indicated a statistically significant difference multiple comparisons were performed by the test of proportions. Results: Vestibular metallic brackets were more perceived by others and brought greater esthetic discomfort. Ceramic brackets were less perceived by others than metallic vestibular brackets. Aligners were less perceived by others than vestibular brackets, caused fewer speech and brushing difficulties, less discomfort on the cheeks and less speech difficulties. Lingual brackets brought less esthetic discomfort, revealing also more tongue discomfort and less cheek discomfort. Conclusion: Patients reported more aesthetic discomfort with metallic vestibular brackets. Lingual appliances and aligners were less perceived by others and brought less esthetic discomfort to patients. All aligners patients would use these appliances again if they needed new treatment. Descriptors: Orthodontic appliances, perception, esthetics. 1 Specialist, MSc and PhD in Orthodontics – USP. 2 Specialist and MSc student in Orthodontics, FOB-USP. 3 Specialist and MSc in Orthodontics – PUC-MG. 4 Specialist in Orthodontics – University Três Corações. 5 Specialist in Orthodontics and MSc in Pediatric Dentistry – UFSC. 6 Specialist in Orthodontics, MSc and PhD in Oral Rehabilitation, FORP-USP. 7 Specialist in Orthodontics and MSc in Pediatric Dentistry – UFRJ. DOI: 10.24077/2022;1559-02611157

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