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Plscience / Publishing guidelines


The Prosthesis Laboratory in Science has as its mission make public the scientific and technological development achieved by Prosthetics following quality indicators. Its objective is to publish researches; clinical cases; systematic reviews and presentation of new techniques; studies that concern the prosthetics community; short communication papers and updates.
Correspondence may be sent to:

Editora Plena Ltda
Rua Janiópolis, 245 – Cidade Jardim – CEP: 83035-100 – São José dos Pinhais/PR
Tel.: (41) 3081-4052 E-mail: [email protected]


General Guidelines:

Submitted papers should be unpublished and should not be currently under review for any other publication. The Prosthesis Laboratory in Science publication holds the copyrights of all papers published, including their translation. However the journal allows posterior reproduction with proper reference to the source. The concepts presented in the published papers are of the authors’ entire responsibility, and do not necessary correspond to the opinion of the Editor-in-chief or the Editorial Board.
Editora Plena does not endorse any product or service announced in its publication or claims of their manufacturer. The journal Prosthesis Laboratory in Science as well as the sponsors are not responsible for damages caused by publication of misinformation.
The lead author will receive a copy of the publication containing the published article. Additional copies can be provided but they will be charged.


The Prosthesis Laboratory in Science utilizes a publication management system for online submission ad evaluation of papers.

Submissions should be sent by the website

– Select the “Prosthesis Laboratory in Science” journal, and click on “online submission”

– To submitt a paper it is necessary to present the following information for all the authors (maximu 6 authors): full name; e-mail address; title (maximum two per author) and phone number. Without these data submission will be denied.

The paper should present the following sections:

1. Title Page

– Should contain the title, abstract and descriptors in English and in Portuguese.

2. Abstract

– The abstract should be written in English and in Portuguese with a maximum of 250 words. – It should also be divided into the following sections: Introduction – presenting the aim of the study; Methods – describing how the study was performed; Results – reporting primary findings; Conclusion – reporting the authors’ conclusion about the results beside clinical implications.
– The abstract should be followed by 3 to 5 descriptors also presented in English and Portuguese, and in accordance to MeSH/DeCS.

3. Text

– Text should be structured using the following sections: Introduction; Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References and Figure Legends.
– Figures should be sent as separate file.
– Insert legends for the figures also in the text to guide the final assembly of the paper.

4. Figures

– Digital images will only be accepted in JPG or TIFF, minimum 7cm width and 300dpi. Low resolution images that do not meeting the mentioned criteria should result on the refusal of the paper.
– Images should be sent as separate file respecting the sequence of the system, five images at a time.
– All figures should be cited in the text.
– Maximum of 30 images per paper.
– Figures should be numbered (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) in order of appearance.

5. Tables, Graphics and Illustrations

– Tables should be self-explanatory and complementary to the text instead of simply reinforce it.
– Tables should be numbered consecutively as they are mentioned in the text using arabic numbers
– Each table should receive and explanatory and short title.
– If a table has been previously published it is recommended the insertion of a footnote presenting the credits of the original source.
– Send the tables as text files (Word or Excel for example) instead of graphic files (non editable file).

6. Ethic Committees

– The paper should mention, when necessary, the approval of the Ethic Committee.


Authors should be quoted as follows:

7.1. Alphanumeric:

– One author: Silva23 (2010)

– Two Authors: Silva;Carvalho25 (2010)

– Three or more authors: Silva et al.28 (2010)

7.2. Examples of quote:

1. – When the author is mentioned in the text:

Example: “Albuquerque¹ (2003) justifies the positive correlation between the amount of Langerhans cells and inflammatory infiltrate since there is a high antigenic activity in intense inflammatory infiltrates, probably related to bacterial infection, thus requiring a greater amount of Langerhans cells presentation to the lynphocytes”

2. – When the author isn’t mentioned, please use just the superscript numbering:

Example: “Some authors have also reported the use of fascin as a marker for LCs, but it is not specific for LCs as it also detects interdigitating cells, veiled cells and follicular cells, hence the importance of this word¹.”

8. References:

-All studies mentioned in the text should appear on the references.
– All references should be mentioned in the text.
– References should be identified on the text using superscript numbers in the same order that they appear at the References section.
– Abbreviations of journals’ titles are to be in accordance to “Index Medicus” and “Index to Dental Literature” publications.
– The accuracy of the references lies with the authors, who should provide all data required to their identification.
– References are to be presented at the end of the text in accordance to Vancouver Style (
– The limit of 30 references should be respected.

Utilize the following examples:

Up to six authors
Santos LCS, Nascimento ILO, Santos JN, Gusmão JMR, Gurgel CAS, Valverde L. Immunohistochemistry assessment of Langerhans cells and microvascular density in oral squamous cell carcinomas. Full Dentistry in Science, Editora Plena. 2013; 5 (17):103-109.

More than six authors
Parkin DM, Clayton D, Black, RJ, Masuyer E, Friedl HP, Ivanov E, et al. Childhood – leukaemia in Europe after Chernobyl: 5 years follou-up. Br J Cancer.1996;73:1006-1012.

Book chapter
Verbeeck RMH. Minerals in human enamel and dentin.ln: Driessens FCM, Woltgens JHM, editors. Tooth development and caries. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1986. p. 95-152.

Thesis, dissertations or courseworks

Author – title of the thesis, award, Institution issuing degree, location of institution. Year, and number of pages.

Leckenby RJ. Dynamic characterisation and fluid flow modelling of fractured reservoirs. PhD thesis. Imperial College. London; 2005 70p.
Electronic sources

Camargo ES, Oliveira KCS, Ribeiro JS, Knop LAH. Resistência adesiva após colagem e recolagem de bráquetes: um estudo in vitro. In: XVI Seminário de iniciação científica e X mostra de pesquisa; 2008 nov. 11-12; Curitiba, Paraná: PUCPR; 2008. Disponível em: 2008?dd1=2306&dd99=view

Registros de Ensaios Clínicos – International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN)

The Prosthesis Laboratory in Science supports the register policies of clinical trials registration of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), and recognizes the importance of these initiatives for international registration and dissemination of these studies. Therefore, it will only be accepted clinical researches with a ISRCTN in one of the clinical trial registration systems validated in accordance with the criteria established by WHO and ICMJE. The WHO defines as clinical trial “any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes. Interventions include but are not restricted to drugs, cells and other biological products, surgical procedures, radiological procedures, devices, behavioral treatments, process-of-care changes, preventive care, etc.

Registration at

Registration at International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN)

Any other matter will be submitted to the Editor-in-chief and the Editorial Board approval.

9 Digital proof

– A digital proof (PDF file) will be sent to the author’s email for his approval.
– The author should analyze the whole content of the archive, including text, tables, figures and legends, and return the archive with the required alterations within a 72 hours period.
– If the author doesn’t answer in 72 hours, the Editor-in-chief will consider the digital proof as the final version of the study.
– It is not allowed to include knew authors in this stage of the publication process.

10. Submission Letter

Article Title:____________________________________________________________
(referred to in this Agreement as the “work”)

The undersigned author(s) submit the work for publication on the Prosthesis Laboratory in Science, and attest and warrant that:

1) The work and all other elements of the Work are original work without fabrication, plagiarism, or fraud.
2) The work and all other elements of the Work are not currently under consideration elsewhere and the research reported will not be submitted for publication elsewhere unless a final decision is made that the manuscript is not acceptable for publication by the Publisher
3) All copyrights of the work are from now on property of the Publisher, and no partial or complete reproduction is allowed without the previous authorization of Prosthesis Laboratory in Science.
4) If the work is not acceptable for publication copyrights ownership transference will be suspended.
5) Agree with the Copyright policy of the Publisher as well as with the previously exposed guidelines.
6) Take full responsibility for the content and completeness of the final submitted work; and understand that if the work, or any other element of the work, is found to be faulty, fraudulent, or in violation of any of my preceding representations, the authors share responsibility and any potential legal liability

Data: ___/___/___

Authors’ Name




The aim of this guide is to provide simple instructions to aid technicians on the development of their paper
Technical Papers do not require references unless other authors are mentioned in the text.
Below are general guidelines authors can follow when submitting technical paper.

→ Choosing a title:
The title should be simple and present the general idea of the author(s) to the reader.

→ Abstract
A brief text (a maximum of 100 words) presenting synthetically the nature of the study, its results and most important conclusions.

→ Introduction
It should present the context of the topic addressed in the study, as well as a description of the technique utilized, daily practice, critical points, rationale, contributions and possible applications. The text should be brief. If necessary a short sequence of images can be used to demonstrate what the article is about.

→ Conclusion
Highlight the results achieved by the chosen technique and analyze its benefits and weaknesses.
Example: During the presente study it was concluded that this technique can be used…

→ Materials:
The materials should be mentioned at the end of the text including the manufacturer of the product.

→ Images:
Present photos in sequence of the performed treatment with descriptive legends (using numbers or letters). Photos should be sent one by one in JPEG with 300dpi, preferentially over a white background. All of them should be at standard size and uncropped.
Photos should be submitted with the paper in the SGP system at:
Images will be analyzed to verify if they are in accordance with the guidelines of the publication.

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