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{"id":8792,"date":"2019-08-05T15:01:19","date_gmt":"2019-08-05T18:01:19","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/\/artigos\/effectiveness-of-different-filling-techniques-for-filling-of-simulated-lateral-canals-in-vitro-study\/"},"modified":"2021-05-14T12:02:17","modified_gmt":"2021-05-14T15:02:17","slug":"effectiveness-of-different-filling-techniques-for-filling-of-simulated-lateral-canals-in-vitro-study","status":"publish","type":"artigos","link":"https:\/\/\/artigos\/effectiveness-of-different-filling-techniques-for-filling-of-simulated-lateral-canals-in-vitro-study\/","title":{"rendered":"Effectiveness of different filling techniques for filling of simulated lateral canals \u2013 in vitro study"},"content":{"rendered":"[:pb] Vol. 6 \u2013 N\u00famero 22 \u2013 2015 CADERNO DE ENDODONTIA Artigo original \/ Original article P\u00e1gina 277-281 Effectiveness of different filling techniques for filling of simulated lateral canals \u2013 in vitro study Efic\u00e1cia de diferentes t\u00e9cnicas de obtura\u00e7\u00e3o no preenchimento de canais laterais simulados \u2013 estudo in vitro\u00a0 Luana Ferlito1 Matheus Albino Souza2 Doglas Cecchin3 Ana Paula Farina2 Yuri Dal Bello2 Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, the ability of different filling techniques for filling simulated lateral canals in extracted teeth using image resource. Thirty extracted single-rooted human teeth were selected, the coronal portion was removed, and the working length was established 1 mm short of the foramen. Two lateral canals were created, one in the middle third and one at the apical third, in each root canal. After chemo-mechanical preparation by the manual instrumentation through step-back technique, the teeth were divided into 3 groups (n = 10) according to the filling technique used: G1 – lateral condensation; G2 – Tagger hybrid technique; G3 – single cone technique. In all groups gutta-percha cones and zinc oxide and eugenol-based sealer were used. After seven days of storage, postoperative radiographs were taken and the images were projected for evaluation of the quality of lateral canal filling. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by Kruskal Wallis test at 5% significance level. The results showed that Tagger hybrid technique filled 35% of simulated lateral canals, followed by lateral condensation (30%) and single cone technique (25%). However, statistical analysis revealed no statistically significant difference in the ability to fill lateral canals among the groups (p>0.05). Although the Tagger hybrid technique associated with endodontic sealer presented a higher incidence to fill lateral canals, the other techniques also had the ability to provide the sealing of lateral canals.\u00a0 Descriptors: Endodontics, root canal filling materials. Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar, \u00a0in vitro, a capacidade de diferentes t\u00e9cnicas de obtura\u00e7\u00e3o no preenchimento de canais laterais artificiais em dentes extra\u00eddos usando recurso de imagem. Trinta dentes humanos extra\u00eddos (unirradiculares) foram selecionados, a por\u00e7\u00e3o coron\u00e1ria foi removida e o comprimento de trabalho foi determinado 1 mm aqu\u00e9m do forame apical. Dois canais laterais foram criados, um no ter\u00e7o m\u00e9dio e um ter\u00e7o apical, em cada raiz. Ap\u00f3s o preparo qu\u00edmico-mec\u00e2nico utilizando t\u00e9cnica escalonada com limas manuais, os dentes foram divididos em 3 grupos (n=10) de acordo com a t\u00e9cnica de obtura\u00e7\u00e3o utilizada: G1- condensa\u00e7\u00e3o lateral; G2- t\u00e9cnica h\u00edbrida de Tagger e G3- t\u00e9cnica do cone \u00fanico. Em todos os grupos foram utilizados cones de guta-percha e cimento \u00e0 base de \u00f3xido de zinco e eugenol. Ap\u00f3s sete dias de armazenamento, radiografias p\u00f3s-operat\u00f3rias foram realizadas e as imagens foram projetadas para avalia\u00e7\u00e3o da qualidade da obtura\u00e7\u00e3o dos canais laterais. Os dados foram submetidos \u00e0 an\u00e1lise estat\u00edstica pelo teste de Kruskal Wallis com n\u00edvel de signific\u00e2ncia de 5%. A t\u00e9cnica h\u00edbrida de Tagger preencheu 35% dos canais laterais simulados, seguida pela t\u00e9cnica da condensa\u00e7\u00e3o lateral (30%) e pela t\u00e9cnica do cone \u00fanico (25%). No entanto, a an\u00e1lise estat\u00edstica n\u00e3o revelou nenhuma diferen\u00e7a significativa na capacidade para preencher os canais laterais entre os grupos (p> 0,05). Embora a t\u00e9cnica h\u00edbrida de Tagger associada ao cimento endod\u00f4ntico tenha apresentado uma incid\u00eancia maior de preenchimento de canais laterais, as outras t\u00e9cnicas tamb\u00e9m apresentaram capacidade de proporcionar o selamento dos canais laterais simulados.\u00a0 Descritores: Endodontia, obtura\u00e7\u00e3o do canal radicular. 1 Acad\u00eamica \u2013 UPF. 2 Prof. \u2013 UPF. 3 Universidade de Passo Fundo. [:en] Vol. 6 – Número 22 – 2015   CADERNO DE ENDODONTIA   Artigo original \/ Original article   Página 277-281 Effectiveness of different filling techniques for filling of simulated lateral canals – in vitro study Eficácia de diferentes técnicas de obturação no preenchimento de canais laterais simulados – estudo in vitro              Luana Ferlito1 Matheus Albino Souza2 Doglas Cecchin3 Ana Paula Farina2 Yuri Dal Bello2   Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate, in vitro, the ability of different filling techniques for filling simulated lateral canals in extracted teeth using image resource. Thirty extracted single-rooted human teeth were selected, the coronal portion was removed, and the working length was established 1 mm short of the foramen. Two lateral canals were created, one in the middle third and one at the apical third, in each root canal. After chemo-mechanical preparation by the manual instrumentation through step-back technique, the teeth were divided into 3 groups (n = 10) according to the filling technique used: G1 – lateral condensation; G2 – Tagger hybrid technique; G3 – single cone technique. In all groups gutta-percha cones and zinc oxide and eugenol-based sealer were used. After seven days of storage, postoperative radiographs were taken and the images were projected for evaluation of the quality of lateral canal filling. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by Kruskal Wallis test at 5% significance level. The results showed that Tagger hybrid technique filled 35% of simulated lateral canals, followed by lateral condensation (30%) and single cone technique (25%). However, statistical analysis revealed no statistically significant difference in the ability to fill lateral canals among the groups (p>0.05). Although the Tagger hybrid technique associated with endodontic sealer presented a higher incidence to fill lateral canals, the other techniques also had the ability to provide the sealing of lateral canals.    Descriptors: Endodontics, root canal filling materials.   Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar,  in vitro, a capacidade de diferentes técnicas de obturação no preenchimento de canais laterais artificiais em dentes extraídos usando recurso de imagem. Trinta dentes humanos extraídos (unirradiculares) foram selecionados, a porção coronária foi removida e o comprimento de trabalho foi determinado 1 mm aquém do forame apical. Dois canais laterais foram criados, um no terço médio e um terço apical, em cada raiz. Após o preparo químico-mecânico utilizando técnica escalonada com limas manuais, os dentes foram divididos em 3 grupos (n=10) de acordo com a técnica de obturação utilizada: G1- condensação lateral; G2- técnica híbrida de Tagger e G3- técnica do cone único. 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