CAD/CAM technology in Orthodontics: Orthodontic setup and indirect bonding using the eXceed™ System

CAD/CAM technology in Orthodontics: Orthodontic setup and indirect bonding using the eXceed™ System

Vol. 1 – Number 2 – 2021

Case report

Page 22-30
CAD/CAM technology in Orthodontics: Orthodontic setup and indirect bonding using the eXceed™ System

Fernando César Moreira¹
Luis Geraldo Vaz²
Helder Baldi Jacob³

CAD/CAM systems, including the eXceed™ system, enable orthodontists to perform diagnosis, clinical case planning and virtual brackets positioning. The position of each accessory determined by the software is transferred to the patient three-dimensional model on which an indirect bonding transfer device (IB) of brackets is produced. IB allows improvement in orthodontic accessories bonding accuracy, reducing time and cost of treatment due to lower need of finishing folds and brackets repositioning. The clinical case report aims to present an orthodontic treatment using the IB method with brackets virtual positioning created by the eXceed™ system. Brackets positioning programmed by the eXceed™ system allowed an “ideal” tooth positioning without the implementation of finishing folds and providing an ideal occlusion. This new technology proved to be efficient and effective, and the orthodontic setup provided by the system agreed with the final result of the orthodontic treatment.

Descriptors: CAD-CAM, digital models, corrective Orthodontics, fixed orthodontic device.

¹ Undergraduated in Dentistry – FOAr/UNESP. Doctorate Studies in Craniofacial Biology and Biomaterials – UNESP.
² Graduated in Dental Materials Studies – UNESP. Associate Professor in Dental Materials – UNESP.
³ Graduated – Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry – Houston/ Texas-EUA.

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