MARKETING COLUMN – The power of persuasion

MARKETING COLUMN – The power of persuasion

Vol. 12 – Number 47 – 2021


Page 6
The power of persuasion

Prof. Dr. Sandro Henrique Batista Santos
[email protected]
– Specialist in Orthodontics – Uningá/PR;
– MSc in Dentistry / Orthodontics – Uningá/PR;
– PhD in Dentistry / Dental Materials – UFPel/RS;
– Orthodontics Specialization Coordinator – BIONEP/PR;
– Professor of Orthodontics – UNIPAR/PR and BIONEP/PR;
– Manager Clínica Ideal Odontologia Pelotas/RS;
– Lecturer in Orthodontics and Business Management in Dentistry;
– 15 years of experience in Dentistry.

Hello friends,

All of us who are directly in the front line of the labor market, offering our services, are faced with the task of convincing potential customers to “buy” from us. That’s right you read.

Or does the patient go to a doctor’s office just for the “procedure” itself, without considering other factors in the choice process?

In other words, we work in several ways trying to attract more patients to our offices, and then, after a first contact, the patient needs to be convinced to perform such a procedure with us. So, in several steps of this process, the power of persuasion comes in to “sell” us, or, in other words, the patient buys our idea and chooses us to see him or her.

By definition, persuasion uses mostly logical, rational, objective, and subjective means of communication in order to influence a person at the moment of decision and choice. Do not confuse persuasion with manipulation, after all, we must always be ethical and truthful with our customer, including at this moment of choice.

It is important to emphasize that people are increasingly demanding and informed about any product or service they are looking for, taking into account whether their needs and expectations will really be met.

I will mention some points that I consider extremely relevant in this sales conversation, simple strategies that can help you.

The patient, when seeking your office, is looking for a solution to a certain problem, so, when communicating with your patient, show enough technical knowledge about the subject and mainly focusing on the best solution, reinforcing positive points and demonstrating that you are an authority in the area.

It is also very important that you emphasize the reason for such a solution, what problem will be solved, and how such a procedure will positively impact the person’s health, what benefits it will bring.

Another trigger that can be used in the sales process is social influence, here we can take into consideration and mention that some people have already undergone such a procedure, reinforcing the social aspects that this change will bring as a benefit. An extremely simplistic example, but a widely used phrase is “everyone wants white teeth”.

People also value what is modern, an updated professional on the subject, always seeking knowledge, studying, and showing confidence, especially in the service, ends up being a strong influence at the moment of decision.

And, of course, for the professional to put into practice all of the above, it is very important to be as truthful as possible and to know how to use words properly so that the person understands.

So many other points are important for the patient to come to an initial consultation, to take the initiative to seek care, so at this point the task becomes ours to convince the patient to choose us. So be prepared, be self-critical, evaluate statistics regarding the numbers of patients who decide to choose your service, and focus on communication.

Godspeed and a big hug to all.

DOI: 10.24077/2021;1247-GM6

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