Virtual Indirect bonding with Ortho Analyzer software

Virtual Indirect bonding with Ortho Analyzer software

Vol. 1 – Number 1 – 2021

Case report

Page 40-53
Virtual Indirect bonding with Ortho Analyzer software

Fabio Pinto Guedes¹
Renato Parsekian Martins²

Correct brackets positioning is very important for appropriate finishing. The use of CAD/CAM technology in Dentistry today allows brackets virtual positioning and assessment of this position after teeth alignment and leveling. Brackets can therefore be positioned according to their final estimated position. When brackets are bonded in the desired position, a virtual transfer guide is created, and 3D printed. Thus, it is possible to minimize errors, which would require bends in the wires and possibly increase treatment time. The aim of this paper is to describe a clinical case, presenting laboratorial and clinical protocol of a virtual indirect bonding.

Descriptors: Dental bonding, corrective Orthodontics, Orthodontic brackets, indirect bonding.

¹ Master in Orthodontics – UNISAGRADO –Bauru / SP, Professor of the Specialization course in Orthodontics – FASURGS.
² Master, Doctor and Post-Doctor in Orthodontics – UNESP, Sandwich Doctor – Texas A&M University, Baylor College of Dentistry – Dallas / USA, Collaborating Professor of the Post-Graduation in Dental Sciences (Area of ​​Orthodontics) – UNESP.

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